Serpentines, BI8, 3s
Today's lesson:
- serpentines -- these are getting better. We spent some quality time on the FIO change; the LFIO (harder side) is getting better -- I have to just really lean into the edge to make it stick. Unfortunately when I do that I know I am losing a bit of flow, I can hear/feel it, but Lynne says I need to make the change work and then I can make it flow better later.
- BI8-- These are slowly getting better. Lynne suggested I rotate the upper body a little earlier than I had been, at the halfway mark. Also we worked on getting a better/harder/quicker push. That needs a lot of work. L side is still rather weak.
- 3s to center -- ugh. The RFO3s were pretty stinky, very forced. LFO3s much better. Working on getting better BI edge coming out; even when I think I'm checking 'cause the arm is extended, the shoulder is still coming around and defeating me. Urgh.