Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Friday, September 30, 2022


 My lesson with Holly on the 9 a.m. adult FS at CCIC. The ice was really gorgeous, and just 3 skaters. I had a brief warmup as I was running late.

Today's lesson:

  • perimeter XOs -- We ran through these several times.  I was able to mostly fix the forward pattern, finally -- I need to really bring the R foot lobes in more so they are tighter and don't go down-ice so much.
  • power-3s -- eep.  We did them!  In the pattern!  They were not so good.  At least I did them and didn't biff it.  I really need to get better 3s. On the bright side the BXOs and step forward were kind of okay.
  • circle-8 -- just one at the end. For some reason these are really good at CCIC.  Like, not a problem.  *phew*

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Edges, FO

 My figures lesson with Danette on the 8:30 a.m. FS at Chandler.  Ice was okay, but there was a dance couple zipping around the rink most of the session so I spent a lot of time getting out of their way.

Today's lesson:

  • edges -- we spent most of the lesson on edges, especially working on posture.  Since we were working on the end red line, we also spent some time working on starting the back edges on the left foot.  Eeep. So unnatural!  I am so used to starting on the right foot and I don't think I'd ever even tried it on the left foot. It did get better.  
  • FO8 -- just a few minutes at the end.  I'm not getting around the circle, but posture and flow were better, IMHO.  Eeep.
This session is really not great for figures.  The ice is pretty beat up after 3 hours of skating and it's too crowded to be effective (although it's not usually as bad as today).  I am kind of stuck with this time slot until May, though, probably.  Ugh.

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Monday, September 19, 2022

Edges, FO8, BO8

 My figures lesson with Danette on the 8:30 a.m. FS at Chandler.  Not as crowded as last week, and ice was somewhat better.

Today's lesson:

  • edges -- As usual w/no warmup, the FO edges are not great.  The rest were okay.
  • FO8 -- Mmph.  Most of our lesson.  Still working on posture, and getting a better push.
  • BO8 -- These are actually improving.  In particular I'm doing a better job of keeping the free foot close and not going into 'landing position' though it is a real struggle.  Eeep.

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Friday, September 16, 2022


My lesson with Holly on the 8:30 a.m. FS at CCIC.  Beautiful freshly Zam'd ice and just one other skater (Jose!).  A couple of laps for warmup and then we dove in.

Today's lesson:

  • circle-8 -- actually, pretty good.  Good flow.
  • perimeter XOs -- I got a bit off pattern on the forward side -- on a positive note this was because I had really nice flow. I need to dig in a bit more to bring the pattern around.  I did something kinda weird on the back side first lobe so we did that side again and it was better.  My pushes are getting better.
  • BXOs to BO edges -- some similar issues to the perimeter XOs as far as pattern.  Holly pointed out that I'm not getting over my R side as well as the left -- need to really lean into the circle.
  • 5-step mohawk -- the BO edge is so scratchy!  Other than that they are not bad.  I really need to sit back on the blade a bit more on that BO edge.
This will be my new timeslot for the time being.  Other than some traffic it is pretty good and works well with my schedule, so yay!

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Monday, September 12, 2022

Edges & F8

 My figures lesson with Danette on the 8:30 a.m. FS at Chandler.  Wow, with one thing and another I hadn't skated in a week and a half! Urph.  Also I couldn't sleep last night so I working on about 2 hours of sleep.

Ice was pretty horrible -- humidity is really high right now due to monsoons so it was foggy, and the ice was really crusty.  Yuck.  Only 4 skaters though so that was nice.

No warmup as I was first lesson for the session.  Today's lesson:

  • edges -- bleah.  FOs were not so great, posture was yucky.  FI were much better.  BOs were okay, and BIs mostly okay.
  • FO8 -- yuck.  Of course I couldn't make it all the way around, and I had some posture/weight placement/balance issues.
  • FI8 -- somewhat better but still not great.  Hmph.
All in all not my best experience, but at least I showed up.

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Friday, September 02, 2022


 My lesson with Holly on the 9 a.m. FS at CCIC.  I warmed up with stroking and a really nice circle-8.  I had freshly sharpened blades, but they were just fine.

Today's lesson:

  • perimeter XOs -- these are actually really nice!  I'm getting better flow, and I had a good push on the BXOs.  Holly had me do them a couple times to get the pattern better on the forward side -- I really need to start closer to the boards in order to keep on pattern.  The back is pretty good.
  • BXOs to BO edges -- just a little time on these. Not bad but I still need to get down in my knees more.

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