Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Edges & F8s

 My figures lesson with Danette on the Chandler 1:15 FS.  Nice ice and just 3 skaters! I warmed up with edges and scribed circles.

Today's lesson:

  • edges -- we ran through these again.  Danette noted that my speed is better on the B edges than forward. I'm not surprised.
  • FO8 -- Still working to get a better push.  Posture was a little better but I'm still not making it around. Geez.
  • FI8 -- Kinda similar to FO8.  The LFI is nice, the RFI not so much.  Eeep.

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Friday, January 28, 2022


 My lesson with Holly on the Gilbert adult skate.  Good ice, about 9 skaters.  I warmed up with stroking.

For today's lesson we once more focused just on FO3s, both in isolation and in the power-3 pattern.  The LFO3s are improving, even in the pattern.  The RFO3 has... a ways to go.  Ugh.

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Monday, January 24, 2022


 My figures lesson with Danette on the 1:15 FS at Chandler.  Nice ice and just 3 skaters.  I warmed up with edges and scribed circles.

Today's lesson:

  • edges -- we went back over these.  I'm still getting some flats, especially on the FO.  Gr
  • FO8 -- these are still lacking. Ugh.
  • posture -- we transitioned into working just on posture.  Pushing onto a flat I have great posture! I don't know why it's so different when I'm pushing onto a curve.  Yuck.
  • FI8 -- as usual these were much better, though still not so great.
I really am concerned that these are so much worse than they used to be.  I don't know if it's my skates or me -- I tend to think it's me. My core strength isn't what it used to be as with Covid I have been avoiding the gym.  Urph.

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Friday, January 21, 2022


 My figures lesson with Danette on the Chandler 1:00 FS.  Okay ice (ASU team had the hour before) and just 3 skaters.  They've completed replacing the lights and holy cow is it bright in there!

I warmed up with edges and scribed circles.

Today's lesson:

  • FO8 -- ugh.  I am not making it around the circle on these.  I'm not sure what the deal is.  It's probably a combination of weak push, bad posture, and maybe I need my blades sharpened. Hmph.
  • FI8 -- even these, usually really good, were not so great (though better).
  • exercise -- from here we did an exercise down the line, 3 FO lobes and then an FO circle.  Bleah.
  • BO8 -- these are better than forward (!) but the posture is a problem.  Trying to keep the hip closed so I don't spiral into the circle.  It's a struggle.
Not my best lesson.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

FO3s, Spins, Waltz Jump

 My lesson with Holly on the Gilbert 8:45 a.m. FS.  Private ice! Ice was relatively okay.

I warmed up with stroking, perimeter XOs, circle-8 and BXOs to BO edges.  Circle-8 is just not happening.  I'm trying to stay on one foot longer on the back perimeter XOs after the XOs before I push to the other side. Hopefully that will fix what Hal M. was concerned about.

Today's lesson:

  • LFO3s - about 15 minutes.  I finally got these back to being relatively good.  We didn't work on the pattern, just the turn.
  • RFO3 -- eep. Just 5 minutes or so on these.  Holly's still holding my hand.  Bleah.
  • spins -- my first one was really good!  They went downhill from there, as usual.
  • waltz jump -- Holly wanted me to actually bring my arms back and then lift them as I jump, just as, y'know, they always say you're supposed to.  I managed this but it really threw me off.  I'll have to work on that.  There's no reason I can't do these with good form.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 My lesson with Holly on the Gilbert adult skate.  Nice ice, about 15 skaters.  School starts next week, so this is my last lunchtime skate for this lesson 'til summer.

I warmed up with perimeter XOs, BXOs to BO edges, and circle-8.  The circle-8 is just not happening.  Ugh.

For today's lesson we worked just on LFO3s.  These had gotten worse, but we were able to improve them back to being more-or-less acceptable and continued to work on the power-3 pattern.  I was able to do the 2nd 3-turn in the pattern, but it's not placed right and I'm losing my axis. Still, it's progress.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Tanning At The Rink!

 I skated the Chandler Ice Cafe for freestyle practice.  Beyootiful ice and just 3 skaters!  They are replacing the lights in the east rink (at least) and the new ones.... are crazy bright.  Like 'getting a tan in the rink' bright.  Like it seemed dark in the rest of the rink by comparison.  Whee!

I warmed up with perimeter XOs, circle-8 (ugh) and BXOs to BO edges, then some time on FO3s (meh) and finally some jumps and spins.  I got a really good spin!

Friday, January 07, 2022


 My lesson with Holly on the Gilbert adult skate.  Nice ice, about 9 skaters.  I warmed up with stroking and perimeter XOs, then worked a bit on circle-8.  Ugh.  Not happening today.

Today's lesson was back to the grind on these FO3s.  We worked them (actually just the LFO3 the whole time) by themselves and then later in a subset of the power-3 pattern (just 3 of them in a row).  These are still rough, worse than they were before.  Yuck.  I honestly think it's just me being mental.  Very frustrating!

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Thursday, January 06, 2022

Patch Perseverance

 I skated the Chandler ice cafe for patch practice.  I worked through FO8, FI8, BO8, and BI8, and a little time on FO3.  BI8 is actually not as bad as I expected -- still small circles, but good push and flow.  FO8 is still a bit wonky, which is frustrating.

Tuesday, January 04, 2022


 I skated the Chandler Ice Cafe for freestyle practice. Beyootiful ice and just 4 skaters.

I warmed up with stroking, then did perimeter XOs, BXOs to BO edges, circle-8 and 5-step mohawk.  The circle-8.... ugh.  I just could not make it around.  I spent a bunch of time on it and I really don't know why it sometimes is okay (albeit barely) and other times, like today, just not.  This just strikes me as .... a really dumb problem to have at this point. Ugh.

After that I spent a bunch of time on LFO3s into the power-3 pattern. Still can't make myself do the 2nd 3, but at least the step forward happens okay.  Not real thrilled with the first 3 either, though.

Finished up with 15 minutes on spins and jumps.  I got a couple of okay spins and a bunch that stank.  A couple of okay waltz jumps and no good salchows, except for one where the timing was actually right but I fell on the landing. Ooops.

Monday, January 03, 2022

FO8 & BO8

 My figures lesson with Danette on the 1:15 FS at Chandler.  Okay ice.

I scribed circles and warmed up with edges.

Today's lesson:

  • FO8 -- honestly, about 25 minutes on these.  We worked mostly on getting a better push, and on posture.  Really, my posture just stinks on these.  On the RFO I have a hard time keeping the free shoulder back (on the LFO it's easy) and I don't lean into the circle enough.   Grr.
  • BO8 -- just a few minutes on these.  We spent some time working on keeping the free leg close (not in 'landing position'). Ugh.  I have such a hard time controlling the swing on this if the free leg is in.  It's torture.

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