I skated my "Exorcist" free skate today at the 2018 Pacific Coast Adult Setionals in Pasadena, CA. I skated up to Bronze as there were no other Pre-Bronze Men to compete against for the free skate.
I got my skates on about 30 minutes before, but wound up re-doing my R boot as it felt a little off. Then it was okay. Checked in with the ice monitor, then hung around waiting for the warmup.
Went out for the warmup, and it was almost like the practice ice earlier. A couple of laps, a waltz jump, warming up my jumps and reviewing my elements. All of us basically got off the ice on our own slightly ahead of time - we were just ready to go.
Ben D. skated first, and I was second. When they called me out I skated out, took my position, and off I went! Opening went well, got good speed from the BXOs and on into the toe loop, which was pretty good! From there the footwork into the spin was good, and I got a really good spin! I was pretty happy with it.
From there, the footwork into the salchow... the salchow did not quite happen. As has happened to me a lot recently, I just did not get over my L side after the 3 turn and just couldn't get it to happen. Yuck. I was upset, especially since I had just done a couple good ones in the warmup. Oh well!
Footwork after the salchow was good, and then the spiral was good too. I did a nice waltz-toe! I was really happy with that. On into the spin, which also went very well! So unusual for me to do TWO good spins in a program! And then into the final pose. I finished almost on time! Since I was skating up I had 10 extra seconds, but I still want to finish on time. I was maybe 3 seconds late, but that was partly because I got the good spins (which take more time than bad ones :-) ).
Went and bowed, and got off the ice. Yay!
I was really quite happy with this skate. Other than the salchow, I did all the elements as well or better than I would have expected, and I think I had good speed. Yay!
In the end, I placed 4th of 4. I did get one 3rd place ordinal! So yay, especially since I skated up and I didn't have the required spins or footwork sequence. So I really can't complain at all.
I should have the video tomorrow so I'll post it when I can.
Labels: Competitions