Field Trip
I took a trip over to Shiny Rink+ today to skate the afternoon public session. I will be testing at this rink in about 8 weeks (eeep) so I thought it would be good to check on the ice. It has been quite some time since I've skated there.
I got there around 2:15 and the ice was kinda icky, but they resurfaced at 2:30 and it was pretty nice after that actually. Not too crowded, either -- the sun was shining so I assume that's why. People here in the NW get really excited when the sun shines, they're not used to it :-).
Anyway, I worked on FXOs and a bunch on waltz-8 and 3-turn pattern and some other miscellaneous stuff. Got about an hour and 15 minutes in all told. It was a good skate.