I skated the 5:15 p.m. FS at Chandler, as usual. Not as usual, there was a pairs team practicing! Eeep. Fortunately they were not doing runthroughs so it was pretty easy to keep out of their way.
I started bringing a practice notebook with me and I had written up a practice plan -- let's see if this continues :-).
I spent 25 minutes working on Bronze Moves. For the first time in a while I ran the whole test without leaving anything out, even the dreaded power-3s. The BXOs to BO edges were really good! I still need more work on the BO edge on the 5-step.
After the runthrough I worked some more on circle-8. I'm still not getting around on the R foot, though it is better since the blade move. I did an experiment, and saw how far I could go on 1 push (on a flat) on each foot. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it was about 12 feet (!) farther pushing from the R foot than the L. I don't know if this is left over from when I was off the ice (seems likely) or what, but clearly that's what I need to fix.
After that about 10 minutes on spins. I worked on the forward spin exercise, and then for a few minutes also on the backspin exercise. Then I did some from the windup and got a couple that were pretty good! I was stoked.
Last 10 minutes on jumps. I did a nice waltz jump, then fell on the next 3 I attempted. Gaaah. Not sure what was up with that. From there I worked on salchows and they were pretty bad, and I almost fell on one of those too. Geez.