5-Step Mohawk; Jumps
Today's lesson:
- 5-step mohawk -- ugh. I warmed up with these a little. JJ had me work to really push the heel down on the BO edge. I did manage it a couple of times; it was sort of scary because... it just flowed, lol. Like seriously, that is the point, but it was kind of scary.
- waltz jump -- just a couple of minutes. I can do these nicely when I concentrate.
- toe loop -- I really know all the things I need to do for this, it's mostly making them all happen and not leaving something important out. I'm still not really remembering (consistently) to get a good check position when I pick in, and not remembering to let it come alllll the way around before I jump. It's getting better though. I'm kind of frustrated that I had these better and then I was off and it kind of went away :-(. Oh well.