Crossovers & Spirals
Today's lesson:
- Crossovers -- we worked on the FXO and BXO pattern from Bronze moves. JJ timed me at 1:10. He said that in general the pattern was good but I need to fix the transition from forward to backward as it's not what is specified -- I need a couple of FXOs on the end, an LFO edge, then a RFI mohawk and one BXO and into the BXO side of the pattern. We then spent a good chunk of time working on BXOs; JJ says that the FXOs are fairly strong (even the weaker side). So the area of most concern is the CCW BXOs. Bleah. The issue seems to be that I never really get my weight on the R side all the way, and then I want to quickly move my weight to the L foot, not a smooth transition. JJ wants me to work on just doing a back swizzle into a cross foot-grapevine kind of thing, lather/rinse/repeat.
- Spirals -- eep! JJ wanted to look at these and I had not done one in about a zillion years... just the L foot (phew). They weren't toooo bad, although I wish I had gotten a video so I could see how high my leg is (or isn't) getting. We worked a bit on stretching and he had my try a back spiral (still on the left foot)... eeek. I'd never done one before! Scary to be so blind.