BO8, Waltz-8, 3s & Serpentine
My figures lesson with Lynne on the Chandler coffee club as usual.
Today's lesson:
- BO8 -- we decided to try this in a competition format -- so a fresh layout AND no starting mark. Whoa! Really tough. I came back to center pretty well on the R side (it's pretty predictable) but was unsure where the long axis was to start the L side. Then when I started the second R side I was on a much larger circle and I couldn't see my previous trace at ALL. The rest of it went like that. It wasn't really THAT bad but my centers were off by 1-2 feet. We moved over and did it again and it was a little better perhaps. Wow, really tough.
- Waltz-8 -- okay, still struggling with the L side step forward. 3s have improved though. Still a bit elongated on the R side, and the L side has a long way to go.
- 3s to center -- I did my best-ever turn on the L side, actually got some flow out of it for several feet! Other than that, slightly better than before. It's a process.
- Serpentine -- these continue to slowly improve. Really, the most difficult part is the initial edge. If I can get a good edge to start with it all seems to work from there. So my edges (LFO especially) need to continue to improve, and then I'll need to be able to push harder to get all the way around.