My lesson with JJ on the 7:30 a.m. FS at Gilbert. As usual, good ice, not too crowded and it really clears out at 8! I had some issues with the laces on my L boot in my warmup... they came off the hooks. Wow, that's scary, especially since I was heading into a waltz jump at the time. They are cotton laces (came with the boots) and I don't like them much. I talked about it with JJ and I'm going to trade them out for nylon ASAP.
Today's lesson:
- Power-3s -- We spent a good amount of (much-needed) time on these. JJ made me do them down the line, each foot. The L was not so great and the R... wow, really bad. Then we spent some time working on just 3s, and specifically on getting more control. Between JJ and Lynne this week I've spent a lot of time on this! Geez.
- Spins -- just a few of these. I had done a really good one in the warmup, and I did some just-okay ones. I am really inconsistent on getting my arms into the right position. On the positive side (sort of!) apparently I actually can spin an entire rev on my toepick! Wow, that is scary, lol.
- Waltz jump -- just a little bit here. Still trying to get my arms to come through correctly. Grr.
- Salchow -- just two of these. Still not holding the exit from the 3. Grrr.
Next week's lesson moved to Tuesday due to a work trip.