Spins & Jumps
My freestyle lesson with JJ this morning on the 6:45 a.m. FS at Gilbert. JJ had texted me last night asking if we could move my lesson up from 7:30 to 7 so there we were. I was actually awake and doing fine so yay me! Before my lesson we spent a little time reviewing my updated skating plan -- this is a document I update about every 6 months that outlines my weekly training schedule and my goals for the coming months -- tests, competitions, etc. Right now those goals are:- Pre-Bronze FS test -- November?
- New boots -- December?
- Pacific Coast Adult Sectionals -- Feb.
- Bronze Moves test -- May?
- Preliminary Figures test -- June?
Today's lesson:
- spins -- still working on these and they are just really bad right now. I just need to relax and not rush, open up the L side. Seriously I need some kind of chill pill or something! Grr.
- salchow -- just a little bit on these. I'm still doing them from a waltz jump-like entrance (BXO & step forward into the LFO3). This really gives me a nice rhythm. JJ had me work on getting better kneebend on the step forward (gee, I need to do this in the waltz jump too! :-)) so I can more height. It helped... but there's still precious little "jump" in this jump right now.
- plyometrics -- we took a moment for JJ to mention that he wants me working on some plyometrics (jumping exercises). I was doing these as part of my workout but haven't in a while. He specifically wants10 reps each of:
- jumping up to the left side
- jumping up to the right side
- jumping backward (eeek!)
- jumping up astride to feet together
- jumping up astride to R foot
- toe loop -- we worked on fixing my toe loop some more. I am starting to understand what I need to do (so that's progress). It's all about opening up the L hip and leading with it so that the R foot is on the ice until it's even w/the L foot that's in the ice. The difficulty right now is that when I do that all my weight is still on the R foot, so I can't jump off the toepick. Yet.
- BXOs -- we finished with a couple of minutes on these, working on descratching them (it had me flashing back to endless time with Sonya working on these).
After my lesson I skated another 45 minutes and worked on some of these things but also a lot of time on Bronze moves. My R-side power-3s are really, really bad! Eeep! And I spent some quality time just doing the L side of the 5-step mohawk around the big circle. My BO edge is not so great there.