Spins & Toe Loop
My lesson with JJ this week was moved to the 5 p.m. FS at Gilbert due to a work trip and some other issues. I'd not skated this session before (I'd skated the 5:10 they had in the summer). Not such great ice but not too crowded so it was okay.I had brought my new iPod Touch that I got last week and JJ used it several times to video me and show me what I was doing. I think it's a helpful tool although we probably over-used it a bit :-)
Today's lesson:
- spins -- still working on these. I'm "raising the curtain" usually and have better control over the entry, but I'm still working on opening up the L side. I'm still generally in the 2 rev range and they are not very centered, usually, so there's a long way to go on these.
- toe loop -- we are working on fixing these. We worked them on the wall for a while and then out on the ice. The main thing I've not focused on that I need to do is to open the hip. I tend to be closed-hipped which makes it really hard to jump even if I could manage to bring the R foot around more. We did make some progress on these so that's encouraging.
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