FO8, FI8, BO8
Today's lesson:
- FO8 -- We worked these on my scribed circles and also laid them out. My posture still needs work on these, and I'm still not reliably getting around the circle. I just don't know what to think about that.
- FI8 -- similar to FO8, worked on the scribed circles and a layout. These are much better than FO8.
- BO8 -- we just worked these on the scribed circles. I still need to work more on standing up straight, especially on the RBO. My posture is so much better on the LBO than the RBO! On the LBO I stand up fairly straight and have good control. On the RBO I tend to break at the waist and the free leg comes out into a "landing position" that really doesn't look like a good position. And of course I still need to look into the circle and keep the free leg in front.