My lesson with Holly on the 7:30 a.m. FS at Gilbert. Okay ice, just me, Q and Addy.
I warmed up with stroking and slaloms, did a spin, a waltz jump and a salchow. Meh.
For today, we focused on final prep for Autumn Antics (this Sunday!). We ran through the light program - I had an issue where I did a kind of bad bunnyhop and my prop fell out of my pocket and a piece fell off. So I had to stop and grab it and put it back together. Clearly I need to tape it or something so that even if I drop it in competition it won't do that. Anyway, we restarted and it went really well! I did all my elements (including the dreaded bunnyhop) and finished on time, so yay me! There's of course some room for improvement in execution etc., but for today I was happy to just get through it all.
After some review etc. we ran the dramatic program. This too went really well -- to be honest I was just glad to have remembered all the elements, lol. But it went fine and I did manage to do an okay-ish salchow, so yay.
All in all a good lesson and really glad to have things coming together.
Labels: Holly, Lessons