I skated the 7:30 a.m. FS at Gilbert. Decent ice and just 4 of us (me, Drea, Maria and a younger skater I don't know).
Due to a miscommunication I didn't have a lesson today. I warmed up with stroking, then ran through Bronze Moves, then spent some time on 5-step mohawk. I noticed my LFI mohawk is okay when I'm going into spins, but not so great in this move, so I tried to make it feel like the spin setup. This actually kind of worked! I think the difference is that in the spin setup I feel like I'm leaning into the FI edge more. Anyway I did a reasonably okay set of 5-step. The BO edge is still a little scrapey though.
I spent a little time on 3s also. Still kinda stinky. I finished up the last 10 minutes or so working on jumps and spins. I got one okay spin and a bunch of ucky ones. A nice salchow and waltz jump. Didn't do any toe loops.