Today we continued working through the choreography for the new light program. I still don't have the final cut (agh!) but should have it by Monday, hopefully.
Here's what we have so far:
- opening, at boards near judges.
- w/music - push back... "Hey!"
- skate to left; prop
- 3 chainé turns
- rope pull
- waltz jump
- slalom w/arms toward center
- prop
- double bunny hop (eep!) around toward/along blue line
- skate "you're the girl for me" w/arms toward audience and curve around to center
- lunge
- stand w/arms - right up, left up, right down, left down, knees, jazz hands
- spin
- skate toward audience w/arms pointing to back
- curve around toward center
- salchow
- curve around to left
- spiral
- prop
- end