Spins & Moves
Today's lesson:
- spins -- we worked through the spin exercise that Holly gave me at my last lesson. It's really a good exercise for me as I'm starting to feel where I need to be on the blade, AND, I'm standing straight up with arms correct. Of course after a few times she wanted me to pick up the free leg, lol. Not quite successful in that as soon as I did so I dropped my free side somewhat. Grrr.
- 5-step mohawk -- Holly wants me to have deeper lobes on these and to hold the 1st step a bit longer, esp. on the R side. I'm still up on my toe a lot on the BO edge but other than that it's actually improved a lot since last year.
- power-3s -- we worked on these in the pattern and then just 3s on the line. My 3s are not so great. The turn itself is nice, but free leg is very swingy. I told her I need to work on these more with my new figures coach, whoever that turns out to be.