YAMR (1st Half)
I was on the ice today at 7 a.m; we started my lesson around 7:20 or so. We decided to do another moves runthrough (Yet Another Moves Runthrough = YAMR), but just the first half:
- Stroking -- okay, though Sonya did comment that my second set of FXOs on the CW direction (ones I fell on yesterday) were better than the first set.
- Edges -- F edges pretty good. BO edges I held my head up nicely, but when I got to BI edges all of a sudden my back was really bugging me and so they were pretty stinky. I've done much better before.
- FXOs -- Just eh. I fell on the CW ones, partly because I was tired.
- BXOs -- very scratchy. Sonya commented that on the bad side (that would be CCW) my tempo is twice as fast as on the good side -- I really need to slow them down.
- 3s -- after the runthough we worked on FO3s and FI3s a bit, not much to report.