Power-3s, 5-Step Mohawk
I had about a half hour to warm up. It's getting better and I'm feeling a lot better on the ice.
Today's lesson:
- power-3s -- we started by working on 3s on the big circle Ugh. As usual the LFO3 was much better than the RFO3. Then we went on to work on the move. I did get through it so I guess that's something. I worked on not throwing the free leg around so much, which is hard for me to do but does help.
- 5-step mohawk -- About 8 minutes on these. Holly had me working on keeping the shoulders down and level and the head up and this actually did help it not be so flail-y. Also working to flex the foot on the BO so as to keep off the toe -- also need to stand up straight more here.