Program Polishing
I warmed up with stroking, perimeter XOs and power-3s and then prepped some stuff from my program (a.ka. the dreaded bunny hop).
Today's lesson:
- runthrough -- we started by running the program with music. It went pretty well for the most part. I had some weird thing happen on the first mohawk in the sequence and it freaked me out. Also, I did not do the bunnyhop as someone was in my way and it distracted me from the setup. Everything else was okay and I finished just barely late.
- toe loop -- we went on to work on the toe loop. We got a couple that were at least landed on one foot but they are still cheated. Ugh.
- runthrough -- one more time with music. This was not bad except that I had something weird happen on the first spin and it was pretty bad. Other than that not bad and almost finished on time.
- spins -- just a couple minutes on these at the end. Holly reminded me to keep my head up and bring the arms in and lift up/shoulders back.