FO8, Waltz-8
My figures lesson with Lynne on the Chandler adult skate. Nice ice and just 8 skaters. I warmed up with edges and FO8 and scribed circles.
Today's lesson:
- FO8 -- most of our time on this. Really working to improve the push and position. It's funny how working with a different coach (even, in this case, one you've worked with before) can make things a bit different. Anyway good progress on the RFO, not so much on the LFO. I did figure out that a good LFO just doesn't feel the same as a good RFO to me, so I need to quit expecting it will.
- waltz-8 -- Ugh. The 3s are still really stinky. We made some progress on the step forward from the RBO. Most of our time was on the L foot waltz-8, just a couple of times on the R foot.