My lesson with Holly on the Gilbert adult skate. Good ice, about 10 skaters. I warmed up with stroking, crossovers, and circle-8.
Today's lesson:
- brackets -- we continued working on these, both the L and R sides. We worked mostly on the L side since we'd not worked on these. Holly's still holding my hands but for the last part, just the back hand.
- circle-8 -- about the same. Still having issues on the R side.
We spent some time looking at/talking about my blades. This used to be my best move, and for the last... 2 years, or something? Longer? I can't get around. I used to think this was because of residual weakness from breaking my ankle (I broke the L ankle and that's the foot I'm pushing with), but now I'm not so sure. Holly asked me to compare the blade alignment on my patch skates with my freestyle and see if that is instructive. It's worth checking out.
Labels: Holly, Lessons