Bronze Moves & Brackets
My lesson with Holly on the Gilbert adult skate. Really nice ice! About 10 skaters. I warmed up with stroking and circle-8.
Today's lesson:
- perimeter XOs -- these were really nice! I was really happy with them and so was Holly. I actually had some flow, and the pattern was really good. Yay!
- power-3s -- mostly okay. I had some issues on the first time through the R side; so we did them again and it was better. I realized midway through the L side that I am doing the BXO too late so I did them a bit earlier in the pattern and that helped me be set up for the step forward a bit better. They're still kinda rough.
- BXOs to BO edges -- pretty good!
- circle-8 -- ugh. I made it around all the circles (RFO just barely) except for the final RFI. Urph.
- 5-step mohawk -- meh. I'm up on my toe again on the BO edge, so we worked on trying to use the push onto the BO to settle me back on my blade a bit. Some progress.
- brackets -- just a few minutes at the end, still working on the RFOB. Holly's still holding my hand though.