5-Step, Power-3s
Today's lesson:
- 5-step mohawk -- we worked on these a bunch, especially the L side. Holly asked me to try to press the heel more on the FI edge and this did help to make the free leg not quite so out of control after the turn, so yay. Also worked on trying to bend the knee more (flex the ankle) on the BO edge and that helped a bit also. So there was some definitely improvement on these. Yay!
- power-3s -- just a few minutes on these, all on the R side. The turn itself is getting better. We worked on the BXO/step forward as I have real issues getting my body twisted to do that back choctaw. Ugh. We worked an exercise down the red line to twist back and forth. Eeep. I can work on this on my own, even off-ice.