My lesson with Holly on the 9 a.m. adult FS at CCIC. The ice was really gorgeous, and just 3 skaters. I had a brief warmup as I was running late.
Today's lesson:
- perimeter XOs -- We ran through these several times. I was able to mostly fix the forward pattern, finally -- I need to really bring the R foot lobes in more so they are tighter and don't go down-ice so much.
- power-3s -- eep. We did them! In the pattern! They were not so good. At least I did them and didn't biff it. I really need to get better 3s. On the bright side the BXOs and step forward were kind of okay.
- circle-8 -- just one at the end. For some reason these are really good at CCIC. Like, not a problem. *phew*