Skating with Audrey and Kristian
I took my school friends Audrey and Kristian skating at the public session at Gilbert. I had not skated a public session in.... 10 years? I think the last time I recall being on public was with skating bud Lisa a year or two after moving to Phoenix.
It was a typical public -- although, honestly not as crowded as some I've been on for sure. I spent most of my time working with Audrey and Kristian (early 20s, both of them) though I did find time to do a couple of spins (the 2nd one was really nice!).
Audrey had skated before and has her own skates, somewhere, though she couldn't find them and was in rentals. She did really well after a little while. Not skating on one foot, but confidently stroking. I did work with her a little on swizzles and holding her hand while she tried to skate on one foot.
Kristian thought he had skated before but it's been a while. He was much more tentative at first, but really made good progress. I taught him swizzles, basic stroking and a snowplow stop. I also taught both of them how to get up properly :-).
Sometimes it's easy to focus on what I can't do. Days like today remind me there's a lot I can do.