Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


I skated the Chandler 5:30 p.m. FS as usual for practice.  I warmed up with some jumps and spins, but then wound up spending most of my time on power-3s and 5-step mohawk.  Nothing really to note but I at least put some time in.

I really feel like I need to be getting more ice time, like, a lot more, and to really work this stuff more so I can get back to where I was last summer, and then improve from there.  Grr.  JJ asked me to start keeping a notebook of my practice, and I have one, but I've not been using it.  Grrr.  What's the point in having a coach if you don't listen to what he tells you??!


  • At 7:41 AM , Blogger George A said...

    A practice notebook is a good idea. I keep a notebook for things noted during coached lessons but perhaps my practices would become more efficient if I actually had a plan before hitting the ice. I tend to review the lesson notebook and work on whatever coach and I noted from the last lesson or so but I guess I could do better. At my low level I tend to practice the same foundation skills over and over. Sometimes it's hard to see improvement.


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