Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014


My lesson with JJ on the 7:30 a.m. FS at Gilbert.

Today's lesson:

  • BXOs to landing position -- we continued working on those.  I'm doing a good job of making the fix to my arm position that we identified last week, and in general they are much better.  I'm still curving around too much on the RBO though.  We worked a bit just on my BXOs.  I need to slow my tempo down a bit and really concentrate.  The CW ones were actually almost okay; the CCW are quite scrapey still.
  • 5-step mohawk -- I'm doing a better job of making myself do the entire pattern without stopping.  The pattern itself still needs work and of course the mohawks themselves are pretty atrocious.  JJ reminded me to keep my head up and that helped a lot with keeping my free leg from flailing all over the place during the mohawk -- so that's an improvement.  I even managed to finish my pattern with a nice t-stop (complete with Bend 'n Snap :-) ).
  • circle-8 -- we rarely look at these since I work on them all the time in patch, however, I find that I actually have trouble with them in my freestyle blades as they don't flow as well.  I really need to work to keep my weight toward the heel on these; I'm still too far forward when I push and for a while after and it slows me down.  Ugh.
Off-ice I am doing a good job of getting to the gym 3x/week (it's only been two weeks though).  Yay me!

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