3s, Circle-8, FXOs
Today's lesson:
- power-3s -- JJ asked me what my most difficult move was and it's definitely this so we worked on it for a while. He had me hold the hockey stick on the side (arms straight) to get the feel for getting rotated into the circle. The two issues here are waiting to the top of the lobe to turn and getting rotated through the BXO so that I can actually step forward for the next lobe. I think we made a little progress.
- circle-8 -- still working to get me to get my weight back on the blade to improve my flow on these. I also need to push a little harder. Some progress but the LFO is still an issue.
- FXOs -- the perimeter crossover patterns. We worked on getting me to turn into the circle more/better for the CW FXO as it's always been a struggle. Some progress, I think, as I managed to do a whole side/pattern of them without stopping, although I was going kinda slow.
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