Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


My lesson with Holly on the 9:15 FS at Gilbert.  Nice ice and about 4 skaters.

I warmed up with stroking and some crossovers.

For today's lesson, we first had a debrief of PCAS and how it went, and then some discussion on direction for the next few months.  We're going to focus on power for the next bit, and then probably work on Bronze Moves again.

So for the rest of the session... that's what we did!  Flashbacks to our old power lessons... laps of slaloms, swizzles, working on swizzle pumps and then XOs around the circles, and so on.  I am so out of shape!  It was exhausting.  I need to get back to the gym stat!

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