Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Friday, November 01, 2013


I went to Gilbert coffee club for more choreography and practice for my light program today.

I got there a bit later than I intended, but had about a half hour to warm up.  I ran my dramatic program once with music and once without and worked out some issues with placement on the ice.  Then I got into my costume and got my props set up for my light program and had my 15 minutes with Holly.

She's okay with my props and costume.  I have a couple of small things to do -- I need a cover for the table, need to paint my test tubes and mount the other blade on my old skates.  After some discussion, we ran the program... 4 times.  A total of 4 times.  Yikes!  4 times in like 10 minutes.  I was whupped.  It is pretty good though.  Had to make an adjustment on the sunglasses but other than that things are okay.

Autumn Antics is a week from tomorrow!  Eeep.



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