Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

3s & Mohawks

 My lesson with Holly on the Gilbert adult skate. Nice ice, 10 skaters.  I warmed up with stroking, circle-8, perimeter XOs and BXOs to BO edges.

Today's lesson:

  • 3s -- we continued working to fix these so I can pass Bronze moves.  Ugh.  A little progress, but I'm really inconsistent. We spent a lot of time on the RFO3.
  • mohawks -- the last 10 minutes on these.  They actually ARE improving.  Holly wants them to be smooth, though, i.e. no toepick on the BI edge and I'm still getting some of that.  They are improving though.
Only one more lesson in this time slot!  When school starts 8/24 I won't have an opportunity to skate at lunchtime... until next summer.  I'll have some kind of class every day at noon, unless I wind up not getting the requested time slot for voice lessons (Mondays at lunchtime). We'll see.

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