Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Monday, August 02, 2021


 I skated the 1:15 p.m. FS at Chandler for freestyle practice.  There was an ice cut immediately before so the ice was good for a while, but after 10 minutes or so the rink started to fog up again and it was again raining/dripping in the rink (it was pretty bad over the weekend for Arizona Ice Classic, unfortunately).  Only myself and Jaclyn, which was nice.

I warmed up with stroking, then did circle-8, perimeter XOs and BXOs to BO edges to work on integrating the feedback from my test.

After that I worked on 3s and mohawks.  Very frustrated with the 3s.... Jaclyn suggested I go back to two-foot turns, which is one of those pieces of advice that sounds absurdly obvious as soon as someone else says it :-).  So I did that.  The CCW are okay... wow, the CW ones are bad!  Like really bad.  After that I worked the last 5 minutes or so on mohawks, on the big circle.  They are getting a little better, I have to really remember to open the hips and bend the knee.


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