We worked on fleshing out the choreography for the free skate. We didn't get any further, but we filled out details for the first minute or so. It looks something like this:
- Opening pose -- L foot back, arms to right
- Push to left
- RFI mohawk
- LFO mohawk (sort of)
- Step forward to LFO3
- Step forward, RFI3
- BXO (or 2), step forward
- RFI spiral
- mohawk into a waltz jump-mazurka
- step forward
- footwork -- RFI mohawk/repeat thing
- LF lunge -- arms out/down, then crossed fwd/behind
- RFI mohawk, cross step, stepforward
- LFI mohawk, cross step, step forward
- brush back
- salchow
- spin
Another lesson Friday, and two next week. PCAS is 4 weeks from Friday!
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