Toe Loop & Free Skate
Today's lesson:
- toe loop -- most of our lesson on this to build on last week's good work. We worked on bringing the upper body around with the R foot. I'm finally getting a feel for how this is supposed to work, except I'm not really clear on getting the landing right.
- free skate -- not too bad. I need to go right into the RFI3s at the end and not hesitate or worry too much about my position on the ice. I was a little late ending, mostly because of that and hesitation going into the salchow.
Here's a video of the toe loop. It's an actual toe loop as far as technique but there's precious little "jump" in it at this point. Still, it's progress.
Groupings are posted for PCAS. It looks like I will be skating against a younger (group I) man for the dramatic, and for the free skate it will be me and the guy I skated against last year. I was also asked last night about adding another man to our event (presumably the same guy I'm competing against in the dramatic), of course I said yes. I don't know that I have any bronze medals yet, lol.
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