Happy Skativersary To Me!
I realize that I often spend time complaining about whatever it is that I'm currently frustrated with, be it my slow skating, my toe-waltz, or my inability to do a proper swing roll. Still, when I look back (and this blog is really an amazing resource for that!) at how I started out -- a couch potato who'd never done anything athletic at all except for the odd bout of softball and short fling with rollerblading -- it's really amazing how far I've come. It really is true that determination and hard work can take you a long, long way in this sport.
I'm really, really grateful to the many wonderful people I've encountered in this sport -- my wonderful coaches Anna, Lucy, Sonya, Kelli, JJ, and Lynne; the judges, volunteers, skater moms (and dads) who've judged my tests, run the competitions, and given me great feedback. I'm most grateful for my fellow skaters -- the plucky adults who persevere in spite of many obstacles, and the kids (young and not so young) who have accepted me as their peer and encouraged me and made me welcome.
I've accomplished much -- to date I've passed two tests (Adult Pre-Bronze Moves in the Field and Adult Pre-Bronze Free Skate); I've competed in two figures competitions and seven freestyle competitions. I've worn out one set of boots and blades and relegated another to light duty. I spent thousands and thousands of dollars! :-) and countless hours skating.
I can't say it's all been fun -- sometimes I was tired, cranky, out of sorts. I can say that it's been worth it and that I am so, so glad to have found this sport!
Skating has taught me a lot:
- I'm capable of more than I thought
- I can conquer fear (not banish, but conquer)
- I can persevere even in the face of a seeming lack of progress
- I can overcome injury and illness
- The joy of accomplishing something you have worked on for literally years
- It really IS about the journey
- You really CAN'T compare yourself with others
- In the end, you can only control yourself
At 6:12 AM ,
George A said...
Congrats Gordon!
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