Since I had sent my critique notes to both JJ and Sonya, I was expecting that Sonya would want to work on presentation... even half-expected to see the long-threatened cervical collar (makes you look up) from what Sonya's student Taylor laughing called "Taylor's Torture Tools" -- i.e. Sonya's instruments of torture for Tay (and all of us).
But no! She wanted to work on more air in my jumps. So.. at the boards we worked on really getting up on that toe in the waltz jump (as an example, it applies to all jumps really). Sonya emphasized bringing the free leg through ("h" position) and getting up on the skating leg alllll the way to where you lock the knee as you jump off it. Yow. After that we worked on refreshing waltz jump technique... prep, collect, arms back and through. Then combining all that. I really did jump substantially higher, I think. After that we tried to work them in the context of the jumps in the programs, which made is substantially different. Eeep. I think it helped, we'll see.
I'm skating at my old rink in the morning, yay!
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