Mohawks & Spins
My lesson with JJ on the 7:30 a.m. FS at Gilbert as usual. Today was a chance to hit some of my weak points in the program.Today's lesson:
- spins -- I gave JJ some backstory about how my spins have been recently, and how it seems like I can do a couple of good ones and then they go downhill. JJ thinks the problem is that I am trying to make adjustments and they are not the right adjustments. He suggested that I get someone to video me the next time I'm having these issues and look at the video. It's a good idea. Anyway, we worked on spins and... yuck. I was a bit stiff and my windup was horrible (usually it's the best part, lol), and then I was really rushing and not letting the spin develop. We worked on it for a while and then moved on.
- mohawks -- I wanted to look at these because, as I explained to JJ, I realized I have a real hard time doing a mohawk when I've been gliding on one foot for any length of time. Usually I am coming off a two-foot glide when I do them. I guess I hadn't realized I was doing that until I went on this quest (really it started with Sonya back before Cactus) to remove all the extraneous steps from my program. Anyway JJ showed me how I am blocking myself with my upper body and how I need to work on learning to move my upper body to prep the mohawk, without moving my feet. Good stuff to work on.
PCAS is in two weeks and 3 days! Eeep.
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