Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Patch Perseverance

I skated the Chandler coffee club for patch practice.  Warmed up with edges and Preliminary test as usual.... then more time on waltz-8.

From there I worked on "everything else".  BO8 was pretty good actually; although I may actually be going to fast by the time I get to the last circles on each side.  BI8 is coming along nicely though I still need to get my circles larger.  Serpentines... I actually made it around a complete set and restarted! Although my first full circle on the R foot was a bit small, and I was helped out on the LFO circle by a significant downhill in the ice. Still, pretty awesome. Last was 3s to center... mmph.  I am getting better flow through the 3s now but still not holding that BI edge out.  Grr.


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