Update On My Knee
There is moderate edema along the MCL consistent with reactive medial jointline edema or moderate MCL sprain. The anterior cruciate ligament is normal in appearance. The fibular collateral ligament appears normal. The PCL, biceps femoris, iliotibial band, popliteus tendon and posterolateral capsular appear normal. The quadriceps and patellar tendons are unremarkable.
The patella is properly located in the trochlear groove. There is a small joint effusion. There is near full-thickness cartilage fissuring of the medial patellar faced over a small 4 mm x 5 mm area seen on axial image 8. There is a large amount of abnormal increased proton density signal intensity and decreased T1 signal intensity in the medial femoral condyle emanating from the central weight-bearing region of the medial femoral condyle. No linear or impacted fracture is seen at this time. Remaining bone marrow signal intensity is normal.
No Baker's cyst is seen. No ganglion cyst or soft tissue mass is seen surrounding the knee.
At 12:06 PM , George A said...
Gordon: I hope your leg continues to heel properly. Happy belated 10th skating anniversary!
At 11:04 PM , Gordon said...
Thanks! I meant to blog about that but I've been traveling.
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