Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Friday, January 06, 2023

3s, Spins, Jumps.

 My lesson with Holly on the adult FS at CCIC.  Really nice ice and just 2 skaters!

Today's lesson:

  • power-3s -- eep.  We ran the whole pattern a couple of times or so.  I didn't die.  The L are almost acceptable (though the 3 is still too early in the lobe).  The R.... we actually spent a lot of time on the BXO and step forward because unlike the L side I can't seem to get that shoulder pulled back before the step forward.  Ugh.  Some progress.
  • spins -- just a few minutes.  Actually not that bad considering how long it's been.  I did manage to do a good one in the end, but it took a while to get me over my skating side.
  • jumps -- just a few at the end.  A couple of waltz jumps (not bad), a few salchows (took a while to get the timing back, but still landing them on two feet today), and then a couple of toe loops.  Hadn't done toe loop in a long time and it showed.  They were all cheated, but at least they happened.


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