Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Side Toe Hop, Salchow

My lesson with JJ on the 8:15 FS at Gilbert.  Gilbert's ice was down last week and while it is up again, they are having morning FS on the South Pole, not the North as we usually do.  Ice was thin and a bit rough, and needs painting (no hockey marks and the white paint is kinda sketchy).

Today's lesson was preceded by some discussion about the new free skate music and costume.  JJ's not entirely convinced, I think, that this music is going to work.

Today's lesson:
  • side toe hop -- I mentioned to JJ that Lynne has put these in our duet and that I hadn't worked on them since 2005ish (lol), so we spent a little time on them.  Critical to really engage the toepick so it won't slip.  Beyond that it's mostly being sure to get the feet placed correctly.  I still need to practice this stuff so it's more comfortable.
  • salchow -- quite a bit of time on this.  We actually made some progress, I think.  Still working on holding the LBI edge longer and bringing the free leg *through*, not "around".  I had all the right pieces at various times, but never all at the same time :-(.  Oh well!  I'll need to practice.

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