Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

FXOs & Spins

Today's lesson was on the 8:15 FS. It was much more crowded than usual since school's still out 'til Monday.

Today's lesson:

  • FXOs -- we just worked on the bad side, at my request. Just working on getting a real underpush and good crossed-foot position. This is so hard for me! It's frustrating but we did make some good progress.
  • Back edges -- we looked at these a little just because we were talking about program stuff and I hate to just stand and talk, so we skated and talked. Sonya reminded me not to wide-step on the pushoff for the BI edges, and she wants me looking inside the circle on the BI edges, a change that was confusing to me.
  • Spins -- made some good progress on these. I think the new blades have made a definite difference as I've not bounced off the toepick once! I got a couple that were vastly improved. Still only about a rev or so but much smaller circles. Needs more work!
We talked about programs and competitions. Sonya didn't get the CD I left for her before Christmas, it seems to have vanished somewhere in the rink; so I need to make a new one for her. We agreed on doing an interpretive routine for PCAS in March; we'll need to get moving on this pretty quickly since it's only 2 months away.

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