Gordon's Sk8er Boi Blog

My adventures as an adult male figure skater in Tucson, Arizona Portland, Oregon Chandler, Arizona.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Saturday Zoo

I went to the Saturday afternoon public session at Valley Ice Arena, which will probably be the closest thing to a home rink I have. The ice was pretty nice! Although, strangely enough, the hockey markings were barely visible through the ice, which I found rather disconcerting. I'm really used to having those lines and circles as reference marks! The session was good though, not too crowded at all.

I had an okay skate. I am really out of shape! It made me kind of depressed. That and it reminded me of how much fun I used to have at the Saturday zoo in Tucson. It was sad not to know anyone. I did meet one skater, a guy named Jay who says he's been skating about 7 years. He seems fairly decent, certainly better than me! I recognized him from my skate at the Lloyd Center rink almost 2 weeks ago. I also recognized a girl there who I'd seen at Sherwood, but I didn't introduce myself. There was another male adult skater and a couple of women taking lessons, and couple of coaches.

I worked on most everything. Did a lot of waltz jumps and they are fairly solid. I'm sure they need improvement but I really don't know what. Worked on the Salchow, it's still heavily cheated.

I'm going to try to get into a skating routine now: Mondays and Thursdays at Lloyd Center, Saturday afternoon and a Wed. a.m. freestyle at Valley. Hopefully in all this I will start to meet some people and make some friends.


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